About Me

My name is Mary Gina Carr and I am a crafty Mom! I am 33 years old and I have an amazing husband, 4 fantastic children ranging in ages from 8 to 15, three crazy dogs and a lazy cat. Since I always like to put a face with a name I put my picture up above. This was taken earlier this month at a 4th of July fireworks show. That is me and Snoopy. Snoopy is a chipoo (chihuahua and poodle) and a handful of trouble. We are still dealing with his puppy stage so there might be a little venting about Snoopy if he chews up another pair of my shoes or some other puppy mischief that seems to be the norm in the Carr household lately. 

My family and I live in Georgia, and currently and for the last several years I have been able to mostly stay home with my children while I finish school. I should graduate in November, and then I will be a teacher. I hope to teach elementary school, but I may end up at middle or high school with the economy we're dealing with. Honestly I don't think it would be so horrible to teach at the middle school or high school that my two oldest kids go to, but that is their idea of a nightmare come true! How embarrassing! My husband owns a landscape company called Operation Landscape, if you live in Georgia and have a yard you should check out his website here. He is a truly gifted landscaper who has a passion for what he does. Basically we are just an average family just like any other! 

I have many passions in my life, and I think blogging about my life and projects will do me some good! I love my family, crafting and writing, so it seems only natural to connect all of those things into one amazing fantastic blog! I hope you enjoy reading about our family, our projects and our ideas! Feel free to comment and let me know what you think about what you read!

Mary Gina Carr

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