Colored Vases

When I was headed out to my Mom's house to doggy/house sit I went dollar store shopping and got some random craft projects to do while I was here. I decided that have some various sizes and shapes of vases would look really good as a finishing touch in the living room. I was going to do some flower arrangements or some glass beads or something, but then I saw a show I have never seen before called craft wars.

Taylor and I were watching this show (which was really neat by the way) and there was a lady on the show that used mod podge and acrylic paint to make eyeglass lenses look like sea glass. I was so excited that I immediately gathered my materials! 

  • Vase ($1 - Dollar Tree)
  • Mod Podge ($0 - already in craft collection)
  • Acrylic Paint ($0 - already in craft collection)
  • Sponge Brush ($0 - already in craft collection)
I took a very small bowl and added mod podge and a squirt of paint. I will tell you now, I made 3 vases and made WAY too much. I could have easily made 30 vases with the amount I made. I would suggest maybe 3 tablespoons of podge and add the paint in drops until you achieve your desired color. 

After the paint/podge mixture is done I found the best technique is to brush it on using a sponge using the less is more method. Let it dry about an hour and then decide if you would like another coat. I added a second coat to mine and on one I wish I had not and on the other I was glad I did.

This time we actually painted 3 different vases. One had a texture in the glass and 2 were smooth. Also Taylor wanted to try a blotch technique and I am never one to squash her creativity so we has several different finished products.

In the picture above is the non textured vase in the front and the splotched one in the back. In the picture below is the textured vase. 

They all turned out really nice, and I am excited to get them home and put something in them! They are going to look great on the next project I have in mind!

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